Notes & tribunes
@bduperrin J'ai pensé à toi aujourd'hui à Londres lors de la conf #smileLondon pas mal de consultants bisounours qui t'auraient énervés :-) garniera (@garniera) September 25, 2014
Back To Paris . In the cab To the railway. After great conference day in London #smileLondon #jamespot #team garniera (@garniera) September 25, 2014
.@RBlackmore91 @LOMBARDI_GLORIA : Thanks again for the day & the organization! See you soon. #SMiLELondon garniera (@garniera) September 25, 2014
@alpeshdoshi very interesting #smileLondon garniera (@garniera) September 25, 2014
Someone in the audience : Sharepoint is dead. Ooops #smileLondon garniera (@garniera) September 25, 2014
RT @achapel01: Puzzled that @tibbr has not been mentioned once here at #SMiLELondon ?! > i did even we compete! Reason : more 2.0 than biz garniera (@garniera) September 25, 2014
Session wich platform for entreprise software Network? Sharepoint yammer jive zimbra jamespot chatter collaborn connections #smileLondon garniera (@garniera) September 25, 2014
+1 RT @louisebinns: "You have to have a very strong relationship with your IT Department" @jpchapon , Société Générale #SMiLELondon garniera (@garniera) September 25, 2014